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Toddlers Are Bitches

upset toddler

I can’t write a blog about teenagers being assholes if I don’t also write one about toddlers being bitches. I know it doesn’t sound very nice, but don’t take it literally. 

Think about the characteristics. As a mother, you spend a lot of time either laughing, crying, correcting, or in fear of what your toddler may say in front of other people. We spend so much time worrying because toddlers say whatever the hell they feel like saying. It doesn’t matter if you are at a funeral or a wedding; they say what they want. 

Your Outfit Isn’t Pretty

If a toddler wants to comment on an unattractive outfit someone is wearing, you can bet your ass they will point and say exactly what they are thinking. If you ever want to feel like the ugliest person on the planet, ask your toddler what she thinks of your thighs or your belly.

It’s impressive what toddlers can get away with, but if you think about these characteristics and put the same features in an adult, you would say they are being a bitch.

It’s That Raw, Feelings Be Damned, Attitude

They don’t know any better at that stage of their life. If an adult breaks down and cries because they don’t get their way, we tell them to “suck it up, stop acting like a bitch”.

If you tell someone that their outfit doesn’t look good on them, they may be offended and say, “who asked you? Stop being a bitch”. 

Don’t Worry. There Are Lessons to Be Learned Here Too. 

One of the most important things that I have learned from my daughter is not to hold back. That doesn’t mean I say or do whatever I want. Instead of holding back, I’ve learned to stop censoring myself all the time.

There are so many times when we want to stand up for ourselves and tell someone they are wrong, but we try to be politically correct and choose not to say anything at all. We spend so much time not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings or offend anyone. That mindset is definitely to our detriment and sometimes even to those around us.  

Be Honest and Upfront

Maybe your coworker didn’t realize she put on two different pairs of shoes one morning. You don’t say anything because you don’t want to upset her, but instead, she goes home and realizes it. Once she realizes it, she may feel super ashamed. Had you told her, it could have been something to laugh off and move past. 

  • Have you ever wanted a job but didn’t feel qualified, so you didn’t make your interest known? 
  • Or maybe you were passed up for a promotion because your superiors had no clue you were interested in a new role?

I’m sure you can think of many times where you held back or censored yourself to avoid embarrassment or to prevent yourself from potentially embarrassing someone else. 

It’s Emotionally Draining to Hold Back Your Emotions

My daughter teaches me how important it is to own my feelings. She teaches me not to be afraid and give an honest answer when asked an honest question. I can’t tell you the countless number of times this lesson saved me.

My daughter helps me understand how difficult mornings can be not just for myself, but for other parents when trying to get their children off school. My daughter made me realize not everyone is a morning person. This lesson has made me a more accepting leader. 

I’ve Learned to Be an Advocate for Others

True story. Any time someone honks at me while driving, my daughter immediately goes on high alert. 

  • Who is honking at you, mom? 
  • Why are they honking?
  • They need to be more patient. 

She takes offense when she feels someone is wronging me. 

Maybe one of the most important lessons I learned from my daughter during her toddler-stage is the value and importance of developing new relationships. 

Be a Social Butterfly; If You Want

She is fearless when it comes to meeting new people. There is zero hesitation in walking up to kids at a playground or talking to a waiter at a restaurant. While not every child is a social butterfly, many are. 

They are natural-born networkers, and I envy how easy it is for them. 

Learn Lessons Everywhere

You will continue to hear me speak about the importance of learning lessons from anywhere and anyone you can. There are lessons to be learned in just about everything, as long as you are willing to listen. As my daughter continues to grow, there will be many other lessons that she teaches me, but I have to admit that I am so glad we are past that toddler stage.  

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Last modified: June 1, 2022
