
We Could All Use a Little Help Parenting

Ah, parenting. It’s the most rewarding job in the world, but it’s also the hardest. There are so many things to think about and keep track of — from diapers and feedings to tantrums and homework. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! SheHandlesIt is a top parenting blog covering everything from how to better understand your relationship with your children to dealing with common parenting challenges. We also offer lots of helpful tips, tricks, and resources to make your job as a parent just a little easier.

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We’ve got you covered in all things parenting. In fact, we’ve become so popular that we’re now one of the most-read parenting blogs on the internet! But our success didn’t happen overnight. It took hard work, dedication, and a whole lot of trial and error. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the task of parenting, take heart — we’ve been there too. With our library of actionable items, we can help you get through it.

Staying Positive While Parenting

Parenting is hard. There’s no way around that fact. It’s also one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do in your life. One of the challenges of parenting is staying positive in the face of difficulties. While it may be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget what a privilege it is to be a parent. To help you stay positive while parenting, we’ve compiled a list of our top tips in our positive parenting blog.

Parenting Lessons to Strengthen Relationships

There’s no manual for being a parent, which is why blogs like SheHandlesIt are so important. I’m a mother who understands the challenges and rewards of parenthood. Each parenting blog article is packed with actionable lessons that can help parents strengthen their relationships with their children.

From managing tantrums to teaching about hard work, the topics covered on SheHandlesIt are diverse and endlessly useful. I aim to create a parenting blog that is required reading for anyone who wants to build a stronger bond with their child.

Parenting Education to Become Better Leaders

Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. There are no days off and very little appreciation. Being a good parent doesn’t have to be so hard. In fact, parenting can be quite gratifying when you’re doing it right – part of being a good parent is being a good leader.

Your children will often look to you for guidance and direction, so you must set a good example. Being a strong leader can build relationships with your children based on trust and respect. When you’re able to do that, parenting becomes a lot easier.

Unlike most parenting bloggers, we’ll break down actionable tips to help you become the best parent you can be. If you’re looking for more, check out our blogs on the SheHandlesItMindset, women in business, health and wellness, and digital marketing.

Parenting Views: 33

Let’s Get Real: Parenting Teens Without the Fluff

Parenting teenagers? It’s not for the faint of heart.  As a proud member of Gen X, I’ve navigated through grunge, dial-up...

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Parenting Views: 94

5 Fantastic Ways to Teach Entrepreneurship to Kids: A Guide for Parents

Have you ever looked at your little one and thought, “Ah, a future CEO in the making!”?  If yes, then you’re in the...

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Parenting Views: 151

The Evolution of Modern Motherhood: A 25-Year Journey

The kaleidoscope of modern motherhood has shifted and transformed in beautiful ways over the past 25 years.  Can you believe...

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Parenting Views: 124

Parenting Hacks for Professionals: Balancing Career and Parenthood

Parenting is a roller-coaster of emotions filled with love, laughter, and the occasional toddler tantrum.  Yet, for those of us who...

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Parenting Views: 167

Let’s Get Triggered: Navigating the Delicate Balance

Alright, folks, brace yourselves because we’re about to dive headfirst into some controversial territory. Today, we’re going to...

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Parenting Views: 130

Unruly Mini Adults on the Path to Self-Discovery

Remember that blog we discussed a while back about teenagers being, well, let’s just say, “challenging”? Well, it’s...

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Parenting Views: 191

Social Media Addiction in Adolescents: Navigating the Digital Frontier

In today’s digital world, social media has become embedded into many parts of our lives, especially for adolescents. With the...

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Parenting Views: 123

Use Difference to Unite: Parenting Through Unique Perspectives

Raising children is not a piece of cake. Don’t ever let the “Betty Crocker” type moms tell you differently. Even though some moms...

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Parenting Views: 198

Achieve Balance: Parenting and Leadership Unite

Balance, in general, can be tricky. However, balancing a leadership role while parenting a young child can sometimes be downright...

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Parenting Views: 540

Forever a Parent: The Lifelong Role of Parenting

Growing up, many of us couldn’t wait to be adults, free from the rules and restrictions of childhood. But once we reach adulthood, we...

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