Written by 9:50 am Women in Business

How to Beat the Holiday Funk

How to Beat the Holiday Funk

As a female leader in an organization, it is very easy to fall into a holiday funk.  After all, as a wife and/or mom, you are usually the one in charge of organizing and executing all of the necessary holiday preparations. You must also make sure that your company or team continues to function smoothly despite the high volume of work.

In the past, and even now, I find myself thinking similarly at times. Buying and wrapping presents, organizing parties, and transporting children to their various holiday activities is enough to drain the energy of even the most enthusiastic parent; add responsibility for x number of employees and x number of clients, and holy hell, there isn’t much room left for that festive cheer.

What Can You Do to Bring Back That Festive Cheer?

Here are my three biggest tips for putting the spirit back into your Holidays:

  1. Remember what the holidays are actually about.
  2. Surround yourself with people who understand your personal and professional life.
  3. Schedule some cheer time into your days.

It’s easy to lose sight of the reason for the season when you’re busy with all the mandatory activities. Regardless of what you celebrate, there is a purpose and meaning behind it.

Embrace your traditions and find ways to remind yourself what you are supposed to be celebrating.

The People in Your Life Can Make or Break the Holidays for You

You should prioritize spending time with those who understand and appreciate your line of work. When others criticize your work schedule or fail to comprehend why you can’t make it to certain activities, it’s frustrating. Those who love you will understand that you have a lot on your plate but still want to celebrate the holidays with you.

Since you are in a position of power, use that power to make sure you schedule your time appropriately. Don’t allow your calendar to be booked up by others during the holidays. Watch it closely and speak up when they start to encroach on your personal time.

Add time into your calendar for getting things done like shopping, cooking or attending necessary events.

For me, I celebrate Christmas and acknowledge that this holiday is about the birth of Jesus. In my opinion, the true meaning of Christmas is the hope, love, and joy that Jesus came to bring to the world.

It’s essential to share our love, hope, and joy with people who mean the most to us at Christmas. If I don’t make the time for it, I won’t be able to accomplish it.

Plan Your Holiday Events in Advance

On the flip side, I am accountable for the well-being of 100 workers and over 600 clients. That means I can’t just walk out the office doors on the 24th and return on the 2nd, without a care in the world. In this respect, I have the good fortune to take my own advice.

When it comes to holiday gatherings, I always make sure to prepare in advance. My friends and family know not to expect me to attend their events if I have a job-related commitment, and they also understand if I need to be “on call” for work emergencies. I keep my team’s calendar up to date at all times and make sure they know my holiday availability well in advance.

With supportive friends and open lines of dialogue, you can relax and enjoy the holidays without the stress of work lingering over you. I think you can handle it.

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Last modified: January 3, 2023
