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Building Trust in the Workplace Through Leadership

woman helping other woman up hill

How to Build Trust in Your Team

In any organization, leadership and culture go hand-in-hand. The culture inside of your company is the make or break element to any business out there. In order to build trust within, it’s crucial to establish common values and beliefs. What we see happening today is a lack of trust from the vast differences in opinions and ways of life. 

When co workers aren’t able to come to an understanding, it creates division within an organization. Recent studies have shown that cultural polarization is at an all-time high, with people often viewing those from the other side as “the enemy.” In order to build trust, we need to find ways to break these barriers and lead by example.

The Importance of Being a Role Model

As a leader, it is imperative to be aware of the impact your words and actions have on your employees. They’re watching you closely to see how you handle situations — and how you treat others. If you exhibit a poor attitude or behave unethically, they’ll likely do the same. On the other hand, if you are a role model for your employees, they will be more likely to buy into your leadership style and perform their best

Being a role model for your employees doesn’t mean that you have to be perfect. It simply means that you should be conscious of the example you are setting for them. As long as you are exhibiting the qualities that you want them to emulate, they will be more likely to follow suit. 

Be Transparent and Keep Your Word

Transparency involves sharing both your successes and failures with employees to create a sense of trust and mutual respect. You can also give them opportunities to provide feedback and suggestions on how you can improve as a leader. This act will show them that you value their input and that you are always looking for ways to improve yourself. 

It’s also very important to keep your word when dealing with your employees. If you make a promise, do everything in your power to keep it. This will show them that they can rely on you and that you are someone who can be trusted. 

The Importance of Building a Positive Company Culture

parent yelling at daughter

Your company culture is the foundation upon which your business is built. It’s the set of values, beliefs, and behaviors that make up the “personality” of your company — and just like that of an individual, your company’s culture will have a direct impact on how successful you are.

A positive, healthy company culture will foster creativity and collaboration, while a negative culture will breed discontent and dissension. That’s why it’s so significant to pay attention to the culture you’re creating within your business. 

Here are four reasons why a positive company culture is essential to your success.

Attracts Top Talent

In today’s job market, top talent has their pick of employers. They want to work for companies that align with their values and where they’ll be happy—not just companies that offer the highest salary. If you want to attract the best and the brightest to your business, you need to create a culture that appeals to them. 

Increases Employee Retention

It costs money—and time—to constantly be hiring and training new employees. The turnover rate at companies with negative cultures is much higher than at those with positive ones. 


People who don’t fit in or who are unhappy at work are more likely to leave—taking their skills and knowledge with them. Building a positive company culture will help you retain your existing employees and save you the time and money of having to constantly train new ones. 

Boosts Morale and Productivity

Engaged employees are productive employees. 

When people feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves, they’re more likely to be passionate and dedicated to their work. Additionally, happy employees take fewer sick days and are less likely to leave for other opportunities. A positive company culture is essential for boosting morale—and ultimately, productivity. 

Improves Customer Satisfaction

Your company’s culture doesn’t just affect your employees—it also impacts your customers. Your clients can tell when they’re dealing with an organization whose employees are disengaged. On the other hand, happy employees will deliver you satisfied customers, which leads to repeat business and referrals down the line.

The Top Three Traits of a Great Leader

We can all agree now that being an inspirational leader is essential to the profitability of any company. But what makes a great leader? Over the years, I have found that certain traits are essential for this title.

Chief among them are curiosity, empathy, and the ability to really listen, not just hear, but actively listen. When you combine these qualities, you create an environment where people feel safe to take risks, to be vulnerable, and to really share their ideas—and that is when the best work gets done.


A curious leader is always looking for new ideas and new ways to do things. They are always asking questions and they are never satisfied with the status quo. These leaders are also always learning.

They’re constantly reading, listening to podcasts, and attending conferences and seminars—knowing there’s always room for improvement and they’re never afraid to try new things.


An empathetic leader is able to put themselves in other people’s shoes and see things from their perspective. They understand that not everyone’s the same and they adjust their leadership style accordingly. 

An empathetic leader also understands that everyone has their own unique set of experiences and expertise that they can bring to the table, creating an environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated for their contributions. 

Active Listening

The third trait of a great leader is the ability to really listen, not just hear, but actively listen. Active listening is about more than just hearing what someone has to say, it’s about understanding what they’re saying and why.

It’s about showing them that you care about what they have to say and that you are interested in hearing more. Active listening is an essential skill for any leader because it allows you to build trust and rapport with your team members. 

The Importance of a Company Vision

A company’s vision is its North Star — it’s the guiding force behind everything that the company does.

As such, it’s essential that everyone in the organization is aware of the vision and is working towards it — otherwise, the business will quickly lose its way.

At its core, a company’s vision is about achieving something great. It’s about setting ambitious goals and then doing whatever it takes to achieve them. This might mean making tough decisions, taking risks, or moving in new directions. But if everyone in the company is aware of the vision and is working together to achieve it, then the business will be able to stay focused and on track.

Why Is a Company Vision Important? 

A company without a vision is like a ship without a rudder — it will quickly lose its way.

If everyone in the organization doesn’t know where they’re going or why, then it’s only a matter of time before things start falling apart. A clear vision gives everyone something to strive for and keeps the whole company focused on achieving its long-term goals.

How Can You Create a Company Vision?

The first step is to define what you want to achieve — what your long-term goals are. Once you’ve done that, you need to communicate your vision to everyone in the organization so that they’re aware and can start working towards it. 

You should also ensure that your vision is visible throughout the office and everyone is reminded of it on a daily basis. Don’t forget to review and update it regularly so that it remains relevant and achievable.  

The Importance of Focusing on Customer Service

With so many businesses competing for attention, failing to expand your customer base can mean falling behind the competition. That’s why our culture from the top down is focused on customer service. By making sure that our employees are dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our customers, we can ensure that our business continues to grow and thrive.

Why Customer Service Matters

Customer service can make or break a company. It’s been shown time and time again that happy customers are more likely to visit a business again and recommend it to their friends and family. On the other hand, unhappy customers will take their business elsewhere and make sure to tell others about their negative experience.

With so much at stake, it’s clear that businesses need to make sure they are providing the best possible customer service. 

How to Improve Customer Service 

One thing that I cannot stress enough is that your employees are properly, and regularly, trained. Why?

  • Improved Productivity: When your employees are properly trained, they will be able to work more efficiently and effectively. This increase in productivity will lead to increased profits for your business. 
  • Higher Morale: Employees who feel like they are constantly learning new things and expanding their skills will have higher morale. This improved morale will lead to increased productivity and reduced turnover. 
  • Reduced Turnover: When your employees are happy and have high morale, they are less likely to leave your company, saving you money in the long run by reducing the costs associated with recruiting and training new employees. 

Your staff needs to have the tools to provide an excellent experience for every customer. Have systems in place so that you can quickly and effectively resolve any issues that may arise. Always take the time to listen to your customers and find out what they really want and need. 

Keep Your Company Moving in the Right Direction

Whether your company is just starting out or has been in business for years, there will always be room for improvement. As the leader of your organization, it’s up to you to set the tone and keep your company moving in the right direction. Don’t forget:

  1. Define your company’s purpose.
  2. Set measurable goals.
  3. Encourage open communication.
  4. Promote a positive culture.
  5. Continuously innovate.

Keeping your company moving in the right direction isn’t easy, but it’s essential if you want to be successful. By having a clear vision, being a strong leader ,and fostering a positive culture within your organization ,you can set yourself up for success.

So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

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Last modified: September 13, 2022
